Getting Back Together

I am once again driven into that state of laughter and fun. My friends are here after their graduation and we feel like we have been away from each other for ages.
We have one of our friends studying in RIM, undergoing FM course. We go there, chit-chat and come back home and blare in the moments of sheer joy. We feel like this is life and we never would be completely happy without one another.

It is like I was never married but still a young college going girl. We bubble together in the clouds of our imaginations and giggles. I felt those by-gone memories coming crashing on me too strong when we went for dinner one evening. The feeling was too chilling a sensation. We had missed each other so much and a dinner together wasn’t enough. My two friends Kinley and Karma stay with me at my house. We are together for days and still we had so much to talk about.

VIT – College where we studied was then just a mere object of our abuse because we missed home and wanted to come home. We were kind of tied in the dungeon hostel. It was hard to get permission from the warden to go anywhere out of station. (The rules became lenient after two years) We knew we would find more joy if we were allowed our freedom but that was not so. We however made it our home by finding joy within the walls of our hostel. We played games…games and games.

Now back at home, we find that we had found not just each other but ourselves. We had time to look closer at ourselves. We had time to study more than students at any other colleges. The campus is beautiful and conducive for studies. Though we at times thought it inconsiderate of warden not to allow us to go out, we were children to her. She understood our feelings despite those few unlikely things she did to us. (Like she seized our rice cooker)

Kinley is gone home and Karma is at her institute just now. But here I am, still relishing the memories and smiling over the days we so beautifully made.


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