A Man In the Making


Anonymous said…
Hi Kuena,

When was this photo taken and where was it taken? Either I am suffering a case of déjà vu or this picture wasn't taken any time recently.
Kuenza said…
It was taken on 26th May, 2010.
Kuenza said…
Oh and it was in Merak.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm .. I swear I have a picture of the same boy taken 5 years back but in your photo, he does not look a day older than he did 5 years back. How is that possible? Strangely, he is wearing a similar hat that he did during the time I shot my photo. Although the hat he is wearing in mine is not stripped as the one is in yours. My photo on the other hand was shot in Sakteng and not Merak.
Anonymous said…
The tiniest cowboy i have seen in years......nice pic

Kuenza said…
Nice to see you here...thought you didn't use blogs any longer.

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