
Showing posts from 2025

My Sunshine

Waktsa ma ne la phai sang me la: these words that I heard keep coming back to me these days. It means, that the home would be dead in silence without children; it also leans towards meaning that it would be dry without any joy. My five year old son Tshewang has always been so curious. He had non stop 'why' questions that it would become impossible for me to answer sometimes but I never once snubbed it off as meaningless. However, once he started school, he became so quiet and he was on his iPad all the time. Oh, while I did not cut him off from asking questions, I did tell him not to talk to strangers or to touch other kids. This was purely because I wasn't sure about the culture we are in. When you do not understand the culture you are thrown in, you do not know what is right and wrong when it comes to interacting with people from that culture. There was also an incident at the park where he wanted to play with a little girl and he kept following her and tried holding her ...

Choices we make (are they for our children?)

When I wrote my post 'Your time comes when you are ready', I remember being overwhelmed with thoughts and feeling as if I couldn't type fast enough or couldn't get them out fast enough. I just felt like there was so much to say. But today, I don't really remember what thoughts I had. But as a person who likes keeping word, even if it is to no one in particular, I had the nagging feeling that I had not kept my word by not giving a series to it. So I am back on my blog today to do that. And even though what I am going to write today probably isn't what I was thinking then, it is part of the decision we made to move to Australia.  I am a person who overthinks. I go through the conversations I had, things people said, their expressions, their body language, their tone, and how I felt. It is also because of this nature of mine that I do not speak up before I think I know the person enough. This is just to say that I have been thinking about the decision we made of mo...

Is it the Age?

I can't help notice changes that are happening to me such as forgetting things, being fidgety, making more mistakes and losing confidence. I was never an outspoken person who seemed to exude confidence but I was also not a person who saw myself as lacking confidence. I may be an introvert but I did what I had to (I can't really say that for sure either because with people I know, I can talk a lot and some of them even find me crazy). I don't want to sound like I am blowing my own trumpet but I always did well in school (comparatively), topped classes, never fell below the mark required even when I thought I didn't do well and so got through my life being a student privileged for scholarships. That is why I am where I am today. Plus the sacrifices my parents and my siblings made to send me to school. [But it does not mean that I got very high marks like some top students do. I think students during that time did not do that well and I just happened to be little better. A...