Seeing World WITH Wider Vision
I wrote “The Lesson” in, a place where I mostly share my views. I would be expressing too strong, if I say, I vent my emotions there. I don’t really do that, but once in a while, I become a protagonist who almost always loses someone or something – and ends up crying.
I now know that, no matter – even in jest, I should not utter words that would hang hearts in mid-air. Do I sound so vague? I think for some reason, I don’t want to sound so clear. I had difficulty understanding when I read in some papers that there could be people who would draw happiness from causing harm to others. In my understanding, I could only fathom that people can have peace in their heart only if they created harmony around themselves. But now, I think I understand that there can be people who can be at sheer joy just by the pain inflicted on themselves or others. There can be people I guess, who like enduring pain. They get pleasure from the pain they endure.
I am here only to say one thing in fact. It is easier to live life when you have just one reason to live. To live to die.
In the novel “Love in the Time of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, I read this line: “Dr. Urbino never saw her again, not even by accident, and God alone knows how much grief his heroic resolve cost him or how many bitter tears he had to shed behind the locked lavatory door in order to survive this private catastrophe. /….his heart broken but his soul at peace.”
So I think it is better to have your soul in peace than have your heart happy. I guess our hearts often are rendered more attention than required. We can tempt it and we can forget what once gave it so much pull.
The lesson is that, even when you are talking with a stranger with the light-hearted conversation of lighting hearts, there should be no smoke produced. You should remain just where you are and where you should be.